Minaret Earrings

What Suzanne Marques wore to the Emmy's this year!

I know I am way behind on this post. But if you know me you are well aware that I am currently not only the designer and owner of my business but also play a gazillion other roles such as gem sleuth, photo stylist, small freight handler, accountant, web editor, social media expert, publicist and customer service extraordinaire. Do forgive me. I am starting my own "slow internet" revolution here, whereby news from my end will come to you slowly but surely with a good dose of well written sparkle! The 64th Emmy Awards were last month. The gorgeous Suzanne Marques and I partnered up for her to wear pieces from my new fall 2012 collection. Here are some images she tweeted and texted me right from the Emmy Red Carpet. Suzanne simply rocks!

It was a pleasure working with Suzanne, if you are wondering how I connected with her in the first place, do read this post here. The final image of the night was Suzanne pictured with Mr. Bates - a favourite from Downton Abbey. I often find myself sounding like Anna, as I melodiously say "Mr. Baaaaaahytes."

So that was the Emmy coverage this year. Thanks to Suzanne for rocking my work as she does. If you want to follow this witty lady on twitter you may do so @suzmarques.
